
Friday, July 16, 2010


If you are a CEO, Vice President of Construction, Director of Development or Director of Operations and answer yes to the following questions than it is time for your company to get a prototype solar hot water system engineered for your restaurant...

  • Would you like your facilities to reduce their utility bills 25% to 40%?

  • Do you want to increase your facilities profits across the board no matter what part of the country they operate?

  • Do you think that having your company "Go Green" will improve your company's image with your customer base?

  • Do you agree that a better company image will help promote greater sales?

  • Does it make financial sense to install equipment that saves your company money and is reimbursed up to 30% by the Federal Government in the form of a grant that is payable by law in 60 days?

  • Does it make sense to you that your company should install at least one engineered solar hot water system to measure the benefits, improved relations and cost effectiveness?

If you answered "yes" to all of those questions than read on:

WHY HAVE I NOT HEARD OF THIS BEFORE? Simply a basic lack of understanding as to whats involved, how much it cost, how does it work and will the technology be effective enough to make financial sense for your company to embrace it? (Return on Investment RIO) Finally how do I go about getting started to present this opportunity to my company?

AUTHOR'S COMMENT: Having spent the past 26 years directly involved in the retail arena from a development, construction and prototypical analysis and design engineering genre... I must admit that it intrigues me that there is always a better way to do things in our industry!


THE CONSTANTS: Solar commercial hot water systems are hybrid by design because they must be engineered to meet your facilities specific demands. Ours is a world of constants and variables. For this design evaluation the constant is your big energy costs and how your company's fixtures generate them? A major part of your company operation costs is spent on energy as you reduce those costs your company increases its profits. Solar radiation heat is constantly free the Power Company electric or gas bills are constantly increasing its prices.

THE VARIABLES: The variables are your company's ability to reduce costs, lower overhead and increase profits! Solar hot water systems can do all of those things and more.


  • DESIGN COSTS: A solar design engineering team armed with the latest software programs is your first and usually one time cost.

  • ENGINEERING COSTS AND DISCIPLINES INVOLVED: Structural engineering will evaluate your plans and building for placement and integrity of design to accommodate the new hardware components, Plumbing engineering will assist in the solar design, sizing and component application, electrical will utilize your existing power source and integrate it into the final solar design plans and construction engineering will address installation directions, methods, materials and system cost.

  • SURVEY TEAM COST: The survey team will determine the system's size requirements, components, existing conditions, projected performance materials, savings to be generated and draft a set of plans with specifications for your facility. The designs components will be cost-out including shipping and handling.

  • PACKAGING COST: Our three office locations will contribute and combine resources to formulate your hybrid design package for presentation and potential sale.

  • THE 30% FEDERAL TAX GRANT: The engineering team will generate the documentation required to submit for the federal tax grant for your company to file.

A-TYPICAL SYSTEM COST: Typically basic commercial solar hot water system such as the one pictured here...will cost approximately 20 to 45 thousand dollars installed as a number of variables apply such as direct or indirect, size and amount of holding tank(s), electric or gas boiler fired alternate integration resources and specialized needs not yet recognized. Green Village can design you a system that will meet your needs no matter how large or small... any where in the country. The system is designed to be effective in your sun-zone and weather climate. From the freezing North-East to the Arid South-West our systems will not freeze or over-heat...

WHERE WOULD THIS SYSTEM BE INSTALLED? The basic components are installed as follows: The rack mounted evacuated tube collector(s) is usually installed on structural roof curbs. The SS solar hot water tank(s) is located in your utility room area in place of your existing unit(s). The electronic controller can be installed anywhere in your facility or in the utility room (recommended). It has been my experience that most restaurant chain designs mansards hide the roof mounted collectors from plan view.

HOW DOES THE SYSTEM WORK? In simple terms the solar commercial hot water system resources the Sun's radiation energy and converts it into heat in a "Green House Effect" that exchanges it and directs it to your restaurant's dishwasher, steam generator, hand sinks, restrooms, beverage stations and preparation sinks thought your facility.

NEED MORE INFORMATION: for more detailed information go to:

HOW DOES THE FED GRANT APPLY TO MY COMPANY?: For corporate restaurant solar hot water system projects started in 2010, solar projects that are eligible for depreciation or amortization (typically those owned by corporate tax filers) can receive a 30% Federal cash grant in lue of the 30% tax credit. The Treasury Department will administer the solar grant program and is required by law to pay out each solar grant within 60 days time of the receipt of each acceptable application. The commercial solar hot water system solar grant is not subject to federal taxes. Almost all corporate commercial solar application are eligible go to for more information:

WHO IS THE GREEN VILLAGE SOLAR ENGINEERING GROUP? The Green Village Solar Engineering Group is a Division of Guardian Solar of South-West Florida LLC, Ondrick Engineering, Inc. of Quincy Massachusetts and EDS Professional Service, Inc. of Slaterville, Rhode Island. These three companies have been working together under the direction Thomas Maroney PCE since 1998 in the Construction Engineering Industry for commercial, retail and the food service industry, successfully for a number of large nationally recognized restaurant chains. Green Village Engineering will design, apply for permits, monitor and consult and has a net-work of installers ready to meet the most demanding of schedules. (References/Project Lists available upon request)

HOW DO I GET STARTED? Just contact us at 617-240-1109 out of state 1-800 270-7564 (Guardian Solar "Hot" Line leave a message) or email Tom Maroney at You can visit one of our websites at: or (when using the websites: go to the "CONTACT US TAB" and leave a message)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

by Thomas Maroney PCE

Ondrick Engineering Group

Quincy, Massachusetts




Solar collectors come in different sizes, types and brands. Making sense out of what is best for your particular use can sometimes be a little confusing. Hopefully, this brief overview will help you make an informed choice. And, as always, you can call us at anytime to discuss your application and use and a GUARDIAN SOLAR SW specialist will gladly assist you simple call us at 941-639-5250 or email Tom Maroney at: he will be sure to reply.


The first type of collector is called a Flat-Plate-Collector and these are the most commonly used collectors for solar hot water systems (direct or indirect feed) today.

The direct feed system is popular in the southern most states because they do not need to protect the units from the winter's freezing conditions. The collectors heated water is circulated directly into the home's hot water tank. The direct feed is the
most efficient heating source for a number of obvious reasons.

The indirect feed system is used mainly in the northern regions where freezing is a concern. The closed loop design uses anti-freeze and a heat exchanger in the hot water tank to prevent any damage that may occur during the coldest of temperatures.


This collectors heating concept is based on a "green house effect" and consist of a closed insulated metal box with a glass or plastic/lexan covering (this is what is referred to as the glazing) or a dark absorbing plate usually made from copper or aluminum and rigid foam insulation. (see illustration on the right) This absorber plates transfer the radiated heat from the sun to a channel of 1/2 copper tubes that distributes the heated water to temperatures around 160-180 degrees F and into the home's hot water tank. The flat plate collector are very popular because of their cost and effectiveness. Mounting can be accomplished on the homes asphalt, steel, rubber and tile roofs or on the ground on stand. They come in a variety of sizes and are used for residential and commercial hot water application with great success!

System Advantages: Readily available, wide selection of sizes and installation methods and materials. Very cost effective and gets the job done.

System Disadvantages: The panels are large and bulky and in some cases heavier than others. Some cases utilize plastic and aluminum back panels to lighten the load. AET makes two grades of cases for different applications while Solene makes a plastic back panel that is noticeably lighter and produces the same BTU's.

Future Predictions: These panels will see some newer technology, designs and materials that will increase their BTU out put. Because of the ever increasing cost of copper costs will continue to climb.

Evacuated Tube Solar Collectors

Evacuated Tube Collectors come in different types as well. Evacuated Tubes are tubes that are manufactured with a vacuum seal in-between the glass layers, preventing heat loss from convection and radiation and maximizing efficiency of energy absorption. They can achieve very high temperatures but are also more expensive to purchase than the Flat Plat Collectors. This is an example of Direct-Flow-Evacuated-Tube collector they also come in various sizes and combinations of tubes. The most commonly used Evacuated Tube collector is the heat pipe and manifold system. In this type of design, heat is transferred from either a flat or curved copper or aluminum fin attached to a heat pipe located inside the evacuated glass vacuum tubing. The water is saturated in the sun's radiation and convection hot water at upwards of 185 degrees is funneled through to the hot water tanks heat exchanger. Because the greater efficiency and higher temperatures this is a very effective way to heat your water.


The evacuation collection tubes are made of glass and have all the air evacuated from them and are called absorbers. Inside the tubes are copper pipes filled with the domestic water. An insulated header houses heat exchangers that transfers the suns heat to your tank. Some absorbers are being designed to have multiple channels inside the 1/2 copper pipe to aid in generating more heat to the water flowing through.

The Advantages: The evacuated tube system affords more of the sun's radiation exposure by it's round design. The high temperatures that it generates 180- 210 degrees makes it suitable for more applications. The higher productivity lessens the need for more panels. It is suited for both residential and commercial applications.

The Disadvantages: The cost is higher. Some installer's claim that the evacuated tube collector is too hot for a direct feed into a standard solar hot water tank and sharply reduces the life of the tank. Some homeowners think the collectors look ugly on their roofs. The glass tubes are vulnerable because if one breaks the whole unit is down. Also the vacuum seal has a potential for leaking when exposed to years of expanding and contracting.

Future Predictions: The product's prices will fall as this system is very popular in Europe right now and will become more available to the American market. Because of the tremendous heat advantages the Tube system will find it's way into residential, commercial and pool heating systems. In fact as I write this a Hybrid Solar Pool Heat Pump unit is being tested right here in Florida. This Heat pump will be solar assisted and qualify for federal incentives.

Thats the way to go... all we need is a little "American ingenuity"! Any thoughts or comments please pass them along to our website at: that's all for now solarheads.